2018 Rally Update – 13th April

The Guardians of Mull Rally and the Mull Car Club are still in talks with the MSA and Scottish Government to try and resolve the insurance issues over this years event. Further meetings are taking place over the next two weeks. We will make an announcement as soon as we possibly can as to whether the event can run this year.

2018 Rally update – 5th March

As promised in early February here is the latest statement:

The Guardians of the Mull Rally and Mull Car Club are still working hard to make the 2018 Mull Rally happen, but as yet we can’t say for sure when we will know if this will be possible. In the meantime we have planned a route to be put to the council and are proceeding with the organisation, so that if the insurance problems can be resolved we have the Road Closures in place.

We understand this is frustrating but we are doing all we can to make a closed road event on Mull 2018 happen.

We will issue a further statement as soon as we hear any further updates.

An update on the 2018 Rally plans

The Guardians of Mull Rally & Mull Car Club have made some progress towards the running of this years event. We are still working with the MSA and the Scottish Government, to try and resolve the issue which stopped the event from running in 2017. There is a possibility that the Mull Rally MAY? be able to take place this year. We hope you will understand that these things have not moved as quickly as we would would have liked. But we ask you to give us until the end of February to hopefully get this sorted and get the Mull Rally back to being one of the top events on the calendar. If this is unsuccessful we would still be looking to run a Targa and Rally Sprint Event the same as last year.


An Update from the Guardians

The insurance issue that prevented the closed road stage rally from running in 2017 still exists and it is our understanding that the only way that we can run in the future is to use the new closed road legislation recently enacted in England.

The Scottish Government need to enact it into law in Scotland for us to use it. Any representation made to the government so far has been met with “not until after the FAI has concluded”. Sheriff Maciver published his report on the Snowman/Jim Clark Fatalities on the 21 November and we have already been in touch with Michael Russell MSP to urge him to make representations on behalf of the Mull Rally in an attempt to run in 2018.

We understand the need for you to know what is happening so that you can make plans and we undertake to update you on progress by the end of January as to what kind of event or events we shall be able to put on in October.

Mull Rally Guardians

Targa Rally on Youtube

Our friends up at Tobermory Campsite have generously allowed the use of their park to host some of Friday’s Targa Rally more complex test stages. But not content with that, they have also rigged up a feed to Youtube so that the event can be streamed live to your computer screen! Many thanks to 12 year old Cameron who I understand provided the technical know-how in order to achieve this.

Follow the link below to access the Tobermory Campsite Youtube Channel, from where the live feed will be available on Friday at about 10:30 and 16:30.
